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Sightlines: Filmmaking in the Academy Journal is Australia’s leading venue for screen-based non-traditional research outputs. It features an array of work (including screenplays, documentary, and moving image pieces), all of which are published alongside written practitioner statements and peer reviews of the work. This format fosters critical debate on the evolving nature of screen-based creative practice research, by highlighting a variety of research aims and approaches.


The journal was born out of a conference of the same name, which was first held at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in 2014. The first two issues of the journal were linked to this conference, while a more open call for contributions resulted in issues three and four. The journal is currently managed by the ASPERA Research Subcommittee. Please stay tuned for future calls for works!


ISSUE 6  2024



Alastair Hagger Turpin: The Notorious

Alex Nevill Ferroequinology

Ataa Alsalloum Uprooted Syrian Heritage Resettled in the UK

Catherine Gough-Brady Questioning Creative Practice Human Research Ethics

Cecilia Stenbom Radio Off

Emma Piper-Burket GATHER(ED)

Jayalakshmi Garrabost Dance of the Seasons

Michelle Johnston Earthship Freo
Natalie Krikowa Queer Representation Matters
Nico Meissner Last Seen: Katie Kelly
Lachlan Pendragon An Ostrich Told Me the World is Fake and I Think I Believe It

Ross Adrian Williams Bird Sounds

Suzy Miller Wild Camping

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Pictured: Dance of the Seasons - Jayalakshmi Garrabost, GATHER(ED) - Emma Piper-Burket, Last Seen: Katie Kelly - Nico Meissner


ISSUE 5  2023



Patrick Kelly On Queer Selfies

Felix Gyebi Kukunor ni Tsu

Liz Burke Aliens Among Us

Dafydd Sills-Jones & Roger Owen Amrywiaethau Cafflogion #3

Catherine Gough-Brady  Creating 70+

Aparna Sharma Still Light

Martin Koszolko Ngannelong
Anna Chiara Sabatino Videopharmakon
Miranda Wilson Letterbox Populi
David Cowlard  Lung
Justin Harvey Curtain

Hiran Matheus Pau de Selfie

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Pictured: Kukunor ni Tsu - Felix Gyebi, Curtain - Justin Harvey, Lung - David Cowlard



Tom Carter Into Dust
Charles de Salis Flying

Maxine Gee Golems Inc

Keith Marley  Fleur de sel: étude numéro 2

Márcio Andrade  Prayers out of the closet

Aaron Burton & Madeline Goddard Between the Tides

Nick Cope Sarva Mangalam!
Catherine Gough-Brady Characters, Interrupted
Gwen Isaac Tokyo Woman
Dominic Lees  The Burning
Katherine Lorenzoni Fragments

Nico Meissner Paths Untold
Shuai Li Ice City: Harbin
Simon Weaving Entangled

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Pictured: Entangled - Simon Weaving, Prayers out of the closet - Marcio Andrade, Between the Tides - Aaron Burton & Madeline Goddard



Angie Black The First Provocation
Indranil Chakravarty Hometowns: A Biopic on Suresh Biswas
Chris Neilan A Reverie

Jennifer Oey et al The Box: Five Short Films
Brenda Robles Greta Ruiz and the Signs of Love
Patrick Kelly The Trouble
Stephen Connolly Machine Space
David Moore The Kino Paper Vs. the Digital Paper Vs…
Trish FitzSimons Fabric of War: Why Wool?

James Thompson I Work for the Devil

Peter Moyes et al Ascendance: an experiment…for VR

Pavel Prokopic Nonhuman Flow: Audio-visual Affects…

Volker Kuchelmeister et al The Visit

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Featured: The Trouble- Patrick Kelly, The First Provocation - Angie Black, Nonhuman Flow: Audio-visual Affects - Pavel Prokopic



Gerda Cammaer Mobilarte

Allister Gall Everything Imperfect

Catherine Gough-Brady A Portrait of Judith Buckrich

Dean Keep Remembering Hiroshima

Diane Charleson Remixed Memories

Dominique Webb & Philip Stevens The Empty Throne

Dominique Webb The Forecast

Jill Daniels My Private Life II

Marsha Berry Wayfarer’s Trail

Herman Van Eyken Away

Margaret McVeigh &  Peter Hegedus The Making of Away

Alan Nguyen Firebird

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Featured: The Forecast - Dominique Webb, Away - Herman Van Eyken



Aaron Burton My Mother’s Village

Tim Howe & Nick Cope Globus Hystericus 

Kath Dooley The Sister

Bettina Frankham How many ways to say you?

Holly Giesman Eating Cultures

Andrew O’Keefe Mother’s Day

Marilyn Tofler & Jeremy Stanford Best Intentions TV Pilot

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Featured: My Mother's Village - Aaron Burton, Eating Cultures - Holly Giesman, The Sister - Kath Dooley

(c) ASPERA Inc NSW 9884893

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