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Scholarship of Teaching & Learning:
Online Symposium

The ASPERA L&T Online Symposium series was established to share best practices in screen production education and evidence our collective contributions to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) in our discipline.


The ASPERA L&T Sub-Committee organised the first Online Symposium in November 2023 as an extension of discussions and panel presentation during the 2023 Annual ASPERA Conference at Flinders University in Adelaide. Following a panel on Diversity & Inclusion in the Screen Production Classroom, we felt that a regular forum of short lightning talks is a sustainable way to encourage ongoing exchange, debate, reflection, and professional development for academics at ASPERA member schools and beyond.


ASPERA member schools are diverse in their program offerings and structures, geographic realities, and student profiles. Yet, we share a focus on authentic screen production pedagogies. With screen production education typically closely embedded into local screen industries, the online symposia reach beyond the local and everyday, connecting colleagues and building knowledge across institutions.


The Higher Education Standards Framework (Teqsa 2021) describes Scholarship as “those activities concerned with gaining new or improved understanding, appreciation and insights into a field of knowledge, and engaging with and keeping up to date with advances in the field”. The ASPERA L&T Online Symposium series encourages a scholarly engagement in learning and teaching of screen production as well as a discipline-specific practitioner inquiry (Huber 2013) by providing a forum for colleagues to:

  • evaluate and reflect upon their own teaching practices;

  • maintain their knowledge of current developments in the field; and

  • disseminate new knowledge of screen production education.


The ASPERA Learning & Teaching Online symposia allows us to build an evidence-based public repository across institutions with a view to continuously improve student learning and for colleagues to review and build upon in their own teaching practice. To achieve this, we share all contributions to the ASPERA L&T Online Symposium series on these pages and encourage colleagues to actively and regularly review, engage, and contribute.

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End of Year Showcases

What does a successful end of semester/year exhibition for screen production courses look like?


As student cohorts grow in numbers together with a general shift in student engagement and viewing practices, there are new challenges when arranging end of semester/year screenings/events.


The symposium was designed to share case studies about the tactics and strategies that work for colleagues and their students when sharing their screen production work. We discussed the challenges but focused more on the things we do to ensure success when screening, promoting and celebrating all the student’s hard work.


Date: Thursday 15th February 2024


Organising Committee: Andrew O’Keefe (VCA), David Balfour (AFTRS), Jill Holt (Swinburne), Kerreen Ely-Harper (Curtin), Nico Meissner (Griffith), Rachel Wilson (RMIT), Teresa Rizzo (SAE) & Tom Young (Flinders)


Virtual Host: Teresa Rizzo (SAE)



Andrew O’Keefe: VCA/MIFF Graduate Season 2020 - 2023

Phoebe Hart: QUT Endslate

Kerreen Ely-Harper: Graduation Screenings – Value, Impact and Sustainability: Curtin Razor as a case study

Max Schleser, Susan Kerrigan, Jill Holt: The Swinburne University of Technology Film and Television Graduating Students’ Screening and Industry Award Night

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Screen Production Classroom

The first ASPERA L&T Online Symposium was an extension of a Learning & Teaching panel during the 2023 ASPERA Conference at Flinders University in Adelaide. With screen production programs growing in enrolments and popularity across the world, the diversity of our students increases too.

The symposium explored inclusive screen production teaching practices and how diversity in the classroom can enrich learning experiences for everyone.


Date: Wednesday 6th December 2023


Organising Committee: Andrew O’Keefe (VCA), David Balfour (AFTRS), Jill Holt (Swinburne), Kerreen Ely-Harper (Curtin), Nico Meissner (Griffith), Rachel Wilson (RMIT), Teresa Rizzo (SAE) & Tom Young (Flinders)


Virtual Host: Nico Meissner (Griffith)​



​Tania Visosevic: Beyond the Script: Re-Shaping Understanding

Peter George: Encouragement of Diverse LGBTIQ+ and Neurodiverse Applicants for Specific Internship Programs

Kerreen Ely-Harper: Memory Tales – A Social Memory Online Documentary Film Project

(c) ASPERA Inc NSW 9884893

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