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End of Year Exhibitions

A/P Max Schleser, Course Director Film and Television, Swinburne University of Technology

Professor Susan Kerrigan, Department Chair Film, Games and Animation, Swinburne University of Technology

Dr Jill Holt, Swinburne University of Technology

Schleser, Kerrigan, Holt



The Department of Film, Games and Animation at Swinburne University of Technology holds an annual End of Year Exhibition and Showcase. Next to a Games Arcade, Screen Production showcase and Animation Screening, the Swinburne Film and Television Graduating Students’ Screening and Industry Award Night celebrates and recognizes students for their outstanding contributions in all areas of specialisation in film production. Industry awards categories include producing, directing, screenwriting, cinematography, editing, sound, production design, creative innovation and creative excellence. The awards are presented by industry sponsors and include cash as well as in-kind prizes.


Summary of Key Activities:

Since the first graduating cohort in 1996 Swinburne Film School has established strong partnerships with industry stakeholders who provide in-kind prizes, internships, and cash awards. These collaborations are instrumental in enhancing the professional development of our students. Annually the Swinburne University of Technology Film and TV Graduating Students’ Screening and Industry Award Night features around 12 short films, which are selected out of approximately 25 short films that are produced over the last two years in a four-year Honors films program. This year we are looking into screening all of the 25 Honours short films. Over the last seven years the screening was organised by Max Schleser, initially as Film and TV Graduating Students Showcase and Award’s Night coordinator and later as course director in collaboration with Department Chair Professor Susan Kerrigan, the Film & Television course and technical team (Jill Holt was CD 2012 to 2017 and Professor James Verdon Department Chair of Film, Games and Animation 2014 to 2022). The screening’s two main objectives are presenting the students’ work to an industry and screen-agency audience as well as celebrating the students’ achievements with their parents.


The Film & TV team managed a number of challenges over the last years ranging from smaller budgets to higher student expectations. The curation process is always a balance between being as inclusive as possible and keeping the awards and screening program within a three-hour time slot. The venues for our screenings are carefully chosen to provide an authentic cinematic experience. In the past we chose to utilise cinemas such as the Rivoli Cinema, part of the Village Cinemas chain, and Swinburne's own campus cinemas or ACMI. Despite facing budgetary constraints, we prioritise traditional cinema settings based on consistent student feedback, which highlights their preference for seeing their work displayed in professional theatres. This decision is crucial in maintaining the Swinburne University of Technology Film and TV Graduating Students’ Screening and Industry Award Night appeal and ensuring a high-quality presentation of student films. In this context it is interesting to note that we could not source an independent cinema (with a capacity of 350+ in Melbourne), as all larger cinemas are owned and operated by Australian or multinational film exhibition brands.

Outcomes / Impact:

The Swinburne Film and Television Graduating Students’ Screening and Industry Award Night guest list features Melbourne’s key industry players. It is a starting point for an ongoing conversation with industry. The awards provide an opportunity to recognize, showcase and celebrate excellence. Simultaneously students can present their films to their family, which is not underestimated as parents are increasingly supporting/sponsoring the emerging filmmakers and their productions.

Our film selection process involves faculty members with expertise in various aspects of film production and theory, who collaborate with industry professionals to evaluate and choose the best works. This method not only ensures a thorough and diverse selection but also provides students with valuable networking opportunities.


Final reflection and the future:

During the pandemic, various options for online screenings were considered. At the moment the Film & TV award winning films are only available via password protected links on video hosting/sharing platform Vimeo. Following their festival runs there are more opportunities to explore in the dissemination of films.

To further engage our student body, we are introducing a Student Choice Award this year. This initiative allows students to have a direct say in the selection of films for screening, fostering a sense of ownership and involvement in the screening.

A significant aspect of our festival is its role in bridging the gap between academic training and industry practice. Organising the showcase and award night involves substantial effort, including managing ticketing, securing sponsorships, and coordinating the technical aspects of screenings. Despite the challenges, the positive feedback from students and the broader community makes the endeavour worthwhile. The festival culminates in an awards ceremony where we recognise outstanding student films, with awards for categories such as best editing and cinematography, as determined by our expert jury.

Our festival also embraces innovation and adaptation. For instance, we have developed an online industry graduate resource to support students in submitting their films to other festivals, thereby broadening their exposure and opportunities. Additionally, we are exploring contemporary screening platforms to further enhance the visibility of our students' work.

In conclusion, the film festival is a vital component of our academic and professional community, providing a platform for celebrating student achievements, fostering industry connections, and offering invaluable practical experience. It is a testament to the collaborative spirit and dedication of our faculty, students, and industry partners, and it continues to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of our dynamic film industry.

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