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ASPERA Membership

Full membership of ASPERA is open to Australian Universities, AFTRS, or academic units within a University (faculty, school, department, institute or college) responsible for the teaching and management of screen production and/or research programs where the central objective is the education and advancement of screen practitioners. A University or academic unit as defined above can join ASPERA if one third of their subjects are production based. Each institution or academic unit nominates its representative for ASPERA.


Associate Membership of ASPERA is open to non-university institutions and organisations consistent with the roles and aims of ASPERA.


Please complete the form below on behalf of your institution and the ASPERA Secretary we will be in touch.


Once accepted, each participating institution or academic unit pays a yearly membership fee of $695 (Associate Members $350) to cover running costs of the organisation as determined by the Executive. Payment is to be made via electronic deposit to the ASPERA bank account. Alternatively you may pay via cheque. Please note: this payment does not attract GST.


For more information, contact ASPERA.



Application Proceedure


Membership application procedures and the nomination process are detailed in Section 2-12 of the ASPERA Constitution (168kb PDF) and are as follows:


3. Membership qualifications

1. Full membership of ASPERA is open to higher education providers responsible for the teaching and management of screen production and post graduate research programs in Australia where the central objective is the education and advancement of screen practitioners. A higher education provider as defined above can join ASPERA if one third of their subjects are production based. Each institution or academic unit nominates its representative for ASPERA.


4. Nomination for membership

1.  A nomination for full or associate membership of the association:


(a) must be made by an authorised member of an institution or an academic unit in writing, and


(b) must be lodged with the secretary of the association.


2. As soon as practicable after receiving a nomination for membership, the secretary must refer the nomination to the committee to determine whether to approve or to reject the nomination.


3. As soon as practicable after the committee makes that determination, the secretary must:


(a) notify the nominee, in writing, that the committee approved or rejected the nomination (whichever is applicable), and


(b) if the committee approved the nomination, request the nominee to pay (within the period of 28 days after receipt by the nominee of the notification) the sum payable under these rules by a member as entrance fee and annual subscription.


4. The secretary must, on payment by the nominee of the amounts referred to in clause (3) (b) within the period referred to in that provision, enter the nominee’s name in the register of members and, on the name being so entered, the nominee becomes a member of the association.


5. Cessation of membership

1. An institution or an academic unit ceases to be a member of ASPERA if:


(a) it does not pay its annual fee.


(b) resigns membership


(c) is expelled from the association


6. Membership entitlements and representation

1.  A right, privilege or obligation which an institution or an academic unit has by reason of being a member of the association:


(a) can be delegated to an authorised person(s) representing the institutions or the academic unit in question.


(b) terminates on cessation of the membership.


(c) Full members are entitled to send two delegates to the annual conference at a members’ concessionary registration rate and to one vote at the Annual General Meeting.


(d) Associate members are entitled to send one delegate to the annual conference at a members’ concessionary registration rate.


7. Resignation of membership

1. A member of the association is not entitled to resign that membership except in accordance with this rule.


2. A member of the association who has paid all amounts payable by the member to the association in respect of the member’s membership may resign from membership of the association by first giving to the secretary written notice of at least one month (or such other period as the Executive Committee may determine) of the member’s intention to resign and, on the expiration of the period of notice, the member ceases to be a member.


3. If a member of the association ceases to be a member under clause (2), and in every other case where a member ceases to hold membership, the secretary must make an appropriate entry in the register of members recording the date on which the member ceased to be a member.


8. Register of members

1. The public officer of the association must establish and maintain a register of members of the association specifying the name and address of each institution or an academic units that is a member of the association, along with a name of the person(s) authorised to represent the institution or the academic unit in question, together with the institution of the academic unit became a member.


2. The register of members must be kept at the principal place of administration of the association and must be open for inspection, free of charge, by any member of the association at any reasonable hour.


3. A member of the association may obtain a copy of any part of the register on payment of a fee of $1 for each page copied or, if some other amount is determined by the committee, that other amount.


9. Fees and subscriptions

1. A member of the association must, on admission to membership, pay to the association a fee of $1 or, if some other amount is determined by the committee, that other amount.


2. In addition to any amount payable by the member under clause 9(1), full and associate members of the association must pay to the association an annual membership fee of an amount as determined by the committee, payable at a date determined each year by the committee.

Membership Application

Contact 1

Contact 2

Thanks for submitting. The ASPERA Secretary will be in touch shortly.

Membership Application

(c) ASPERA Inc NSW 9884893

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